How to Cope with Your Partner's Annoying Sleep Habits

If you sleep in the same bed with your partner, you know very well that bedtime is not all about cuddles and kisses. Sharing a sleeping space with your beloved is often a test of patience and compromise. Your partner's annoying sleep habits, such as snoring, can keep you awake for hours. But that's not all. Nothing is more annoying than having your blanket stolen at 3 a.m.


Different sleep patterns aren't always fun and may be detrimental to your sleep quality or relationship. Recent research shows that most couples with varying patterns of sleep report minimal satisfaction and intimacy and more friction in the relationship than those whose sleep trends are intimately synced.


It isn't easy to sleep soundly while your significant other is awake. So what can you do to cope with your partner's annoying sleep habits? Discover more by reading the guide below.



How to Cope with Your Partner's  Annoying Sleep Habits


It's easy for your partner's bad sleep habits to influence your own. And even if you're aware that such patterns can compromise your sleep quality, it's challenging to make adjustments, especially if it's going to cause conflict in the relationship.


You can discuss with your lover how desperately you need to have a comfortable sleep and work jointly to get better rest, but that's not guaranteed to work. Because only some require an equal amount of sleep or sleep conditions, attempting to harmonize your sleep habits and patterns may result in more harm than good.


Check out the following tips to discover how to deal with your lover's poor sleep habits:



  • Snoring


While most of us believe that we are never the source of snoring and that it's usually the person you share the bed with, research indicates that almost half of us snore in our sleep. So, rather than blaming others, let's unfold the solutions for this most irritating sleep habit.


Whether you are a light or heavy sleeper, it may boil down to when you go to sleep. If you're a heavy sleeper and can hardly fall asleep because your partner is snoring, consider going to bed before them. But if you're a light sleeper and wake up at midnight because of your lover's snoring sounds, you can listen to music or try earplugs as you sleep. This feeds your mind with other sounds to focus on, allowing you to fall asleep quickly.


Here are the common causes of snoring:



  • Weight gain: Weight gain can make the tissue in your throat grow, leading to snoring. You should watch your weight and maintain a healthy BMI to avoid snoring.


  • Smoking: Smoking can be a leading cause of snoring because smoke inflates your airways and stimulates mucus production. As such, smokers are more likely to snore than nonsmokers.


  • Alcohol: Whether you have a few sips or a few glasses before sleeping, alcohol can result in a whole night of snoring. That's because alcohol relaxes your nose, back, mouth, and neck muscles, causing snoring since your airways are blocked. Therefore, you should take some chamomile tea instead of alcohol before bed.


  • Sleeping position: Your sleeping position is another factor influencing your snoring habits. For example, back sleeping is linked with snoring because your tongue sinks into the throat, compressing your airways and causing unnecessary noises. If that's the case, try sleeping on your left or right side to see what yields the best results.


  • Nasal Issues: You could be snoring because of an underlying health issue. Nasal Issues such as a deviated septum and congestion can prevent air from going into your nose, leading to snoring. If you experience such nasal conditions, visit your doctor or identify medication that can address these problems.



  • Stealing Covers


Imagine waking up at midnight freezing to realize that you no longer own your covers. Instead, your beloved one is gladly wrapped up in them. Though it's an annoying experience, there are tips you can use to help you sleep in blanket harmony. Check below:


  • Talk to your partner: Sometimes, people don't realize they are snatching the covers, so informing them about the issue can do wonders.


  • Tuck yourself: When you head to sleep, tuck in your side of the sheets beneath your body or the side of the mattress. This will prevent your partner from snatching the covers away from you in the middle of the night.



  • Tossing and Turning


We all know how aggravating it can be when your partner is tossing and turning while you're in the middle of a dream. If you run into this problem, it may be the right time to invest in some changes.


Here's how:


  • Upgrading your mattress: If you can feel your spouse's movements while asleep, your mattress may be too small for two people, have poor edge support, or have too much motion transfer. In this case, investing in a better mattress is not an option but a must.


  • Sleeping separately: Sleeping in different rooms with your partner is nothing to be ashamed of, particularly if it enhances your sleep quality. So, if all other methods fail to deliver, a sleep divorce might be what keeps you together for a long time.



  • Sleeping with a Light on


It's advisable to keep your sleeping area dark to improve sleep quality. If your significant other is adamant about kicking the habit of sleeping with a light on, discuss with them to see if they'll change. If not, opt for comfortable sleep masks to sleep in complete darkness.



  • Keeping the Television on



Health professionals do not recommend watching TV or using your smart device in bed. If your lover keeps you awake with light and noise, try figuring out what part of the TV experience makes them fall asleep quickly. If it's the noise, then search for better alternatives. Though most people prefer sleeping in complete silence, you might be amazed by how simple it is to fall asleep to white noise machines.



  • Sleep on Futon Mattress Comfortably



Sleep is one of the cornerstones of optimal health, and having a comfortable mattress is an excellent way to improve sleep quality. Spending your night on a futon mattress, preferably the MAXYOYO Japanese futon mattress, is one of life's most rewarding experiences.


The MAXYOYO Japanese futon mattress has all the features one would wish for in a futon mattress. First and foremost, it's incredibly comfortable for all sleepers, and its ability to absorb movements prevents discomfort while sleeping. Secondly, it's designed to align with your body's natural curves, thus relieving pain.


Edge support is another key strength of this mattress. It adopts a double-layer tape edge that runs along the surface of the mattress edges to keep it from degrading prematurely. The best part is it's specially quilted to offer extra sleeping hours by delivering adequate temperature control throughout the sleep cycle. This is a huge benefit, especially considering how a mattress can trap or retain heat when sharing a bed with your partner.

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